Gear box failure: Important Things You Should Know About

Gear boxes are used in several industries. They increase torque while reducing the speed. Gear boxes are used in the machineries which are meant for manufacturing end products such as paper, steel products, cement and fertilisers. Often, gear box failures are the main causes of machinery breakdowns. Gear box failures can bring the operations to a halt, leading to costly downtime. While it is normal for machinery to wear out because of constant use, spotting signs of failing parts early can reduce costly downtime and improve the efficiency of machinery.
Gear box failure can be attributed to the following factors
- Inadequate lubrication: Lubrication is an important factor that determines the life of both gears and bearings. The principal function of lubrication is to allow proper lubrication of each gear mesh and bearings. The oil film acts as a friction reducer between the moving parts that permit the pivoting power to operate the equipment effectively without damaging the components.
- Misalignment: Gear box misalignment can cause gearbox failures that may require repair or replacement of components. Misalignment can reduce machine performance and the operating life of the gearbox, motor, and driven equipment. Therefore, performing a thorough assessment of the gearbox housing bores arrangement is necessary when a restoration needs to be carried out. To avoid this problem, schedule regular inspection of gear box.
- Overloading: When the machinery is used beyond its limits for load, speed or temperature, the gear box is likely to fail. If the machine is making strange noises or is vibrating or becoming too hot to touch, the gear box must be checked.
- Contamination: Dirt and dust are the most common issues that cause failure in a gear box. When gear boxes are not cleaned, maintained or checked regularly, dirt and dust can contaminate the moving parts. Therefore, all the moving parts must be regularly inspected and cleaned. Other than dirt and dust, there are other forms of contamination such as water contamination and particulate contamination. When water enters gear boxes, they reduce the lubricating properties of the oil, causing the gear boxes to fail. Particulate contamination is caused by various factors such as using dirty oil, leaving the gear box component open, etc. This type of contamination results in premature component failure and break down
Looking to buy genuine and unused gear boxes?
In the manufacturing business, non-moving machine spare parts are essential assets for maintaining productivity at an optimum cost. Buying unused industry spares at negotiable price is an effective way of managing the stock. You can buy industrial spares such as gear coupling and gear box on, a multi-vendor platform where you can get in touch with sellers across India and get industrial spares at negotiable prices. Register here to become a buyer.